Real-time alerts allow you to keep better track of your money and spend less time doing it. Simply set up your alerts and live your life. Know when your balance drops, deposits are made and payments are due. With real time alerts, you will know the moment it happens without ever logging into your account. That’s not only convenient but alerts can help you spot signs of fraud and identity theft.
Customize the alerts you would like to receive and how you would like to receive them. There are more than twenty alerts available for delivery via push notification, text or email.
Watch this quick video for more information about this FREE service.
Ready to get started? Log into the BVNB mobile app or online banking and select “alerts”.
Positive Pay
A powerful, proven solution to combating check fraud. As an early warning fraud detection system, Positive Pay arms your business with the information needed to stop check fraud before it becomes a loss. Positive Pay allows you to electronically share your check register for all written checks with our Bookkeeping Department. We will only pay the checks listed on the register – with the precise specifications that you indicate – such as amount, payee, serial number, etc.
Benefits to your business:
- Reduces fraud – We only process what you tell us to, so fraudulent checks are rejected
- Saves time and money – Reduces risk of switching to a new account, including ordering new checks and changing any automated ACH items
- Provides convenience – Eliminates the need for you to inspect and review checks for potential fraud issues
- No added expense – We are offering this service to our business customers FREE of charge
Contact our Bookkeeping Department to enroll in Positive Pay: (618) 826-2331